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August Newsletter

1 Aug


I hope this newsletter finds you well and you are enjoying the nice warm weather! A warm welcome to all of you who are new to yoga!  A regular consistent yoga practice is essential in leading a healthy lifestyle!

Please take a moment to check out the August Newsletter.  If you have been away from yoga for a while, find you way back, your body, mind and spirit will thank you!

Fall Book Club:  Core Power Chicks:  Sept. 29th
Great response/feedback on starting the fall book club.  If you love to read, enjoy wine and great healthy food (ok, not necessarily in that order), you are a candidate for the club!  A few non-complicated details are unveiled as follows:

-Club will meet monthly at someone’s house, restaurant, etc.  If the club is held at someone’s house, everyone brings a healthy dish and/or a bottle of wine.

-Book club pick will be based upon a drawing, enter in your book that you would like to share with the club, we will draw and see who the book winner is!

There, that is about it, simple, not many rules (you know I am not a big rule person).  Also, Michelle, from Rooted Wellness has offered to share her healthy food dishes.  Details will follow when we are ready.  I will offer my house as we roll out the first book club meeting on Thursday, Sept. 29th 6:30pm.
In the meantime, please forward me your book club suggestions, by Friday, Sept. 2nd we will draw at yoga class on Sat., Sept. 3rd! 

Yoga Class Offerings:  August
Classes for the month of August continue to be limited to the following:

Mondays at 5:30pm –Gentle Yoga
Saturdays at 8:30am –A variety of yoga, check flavor weekly on
Note:  Sat., August 13th there will be no class, as I will be in Boston all weekend for a Psoas Workshop.  Looking forward to sharing this fabulous info in upcoming yoga classes.

Note: RH Parks&Rec Strength TrainingNEW session has just started!  There are still a few openings at  noon (11:00am is sold out) classes on Tues/Thurs!  If you are available at the timeslot, check out this total body sculpting class, give yourself 45-minutes and you will love the results!

Friend to Friend Promotion
Bring a friend to yoga this month and receive your class free!  Offer runs until August 27th!
Check out the Patch, Rocky Hill’s new online newsletter!  Check out Core Power’s Blogs and upcoming info on the benefits of strength training as several participant’s have shared their feedback on the powerful benefits of this training!

Fall:  Looking Ahead
Looking at planning the fall schedule.  The second yoga class will be back in the fall in the 9:30am time slot.  The class will be Hot Body/Cool Mind.  Class has been redesigned to offer full strength training with weights/bands/bodyweight and incorporates yoga/pilates moves for core!  This will be a great addition to your current workout routine, but make no mistake, nothing will be routine here, you’ll see, come and check it out!

As always, Core Power tries to keep classes, fresh, new, fun, creative and non-routine!  Attending a certification workout on Sunday, August 21st, check out the willPowerandGrace website.  This is barefoot training with core, cardio, balance and so much more!  Look for upcoming classes!

Please share with me any thoughts/suggestions for upcoming classes as your feedback is essential in continuing to provide quality classes!  Once the fall schedule  is completed, I will share that with you!

Just wanted to let you know, I love this “job”,  I am so inspired by each and everyone of you!  It is extremely rewarding and humbling to witness all the emotional and physical transformations!  There is one particular transformation that I hope to share with you shortly from my strength class!

Enjoy the rest of your summer, be safe, have fun and remember to breathe!

Stay Well,


Strength Training – Rocky Hill Parks and Recreation

11 Feb

If you have been to any of my classes, you know I have a strong passion for strength training!  Personally, I strength train, functionally,  three times per week.  If strength training is embedded in your workout, you are already aware of a how critical it is for bone density, weight loss and is absolutely necessary to the art of  weight management!  If you have battled weight issues (like me), you understand the importance of strength training.   Oh, a side affect I need to mention, a strong, toned and chiseled body!  The benefits go on and on (upcoming blog for those benefits).

I currently teach a fun, creative, (never ever the same) functional strength class at the Town of Rocky Hill every Tuesday and Thursdays (Noon for 45 minutes).   Incorporated into the training is medicine balls, BOSU balls, free-weights, bars and bands.  These items are used to challenge the muscles in the body with a variety of moves to strengthen all of the major muscles groups (shoulders, back, chest, biceps, triceps, quads, hams, calves, core, etc.).  Balance is also sprinkled in since we lose balance as we age, this is  the only way to get it back!  Because of my yoga background, yoga is combined with strength moves to further challenge the muscles of the core!  Speaking of the core (not 6-pack abs) but the muscles of the trunk, hips, hams, glutes and spinal muscles which keeps our spine strong and movement of the body is initated from the core.  Rest assure, you will never ever do a sit-up/crunch in any of my classes, as these “exercises” do not fully engage the core muscles and add absolutely no value!  A class favorite core move (though my classes won’t admit it) will be moving from forearm plank to high plank (push up position) and back to forearm plank, or Down Dog to Plank  to 1/2 Tricep Push up, back to Plank, then Down Dog.  Try those core moves for yourself, notice which muscles fire up and check out the demand of the core and upper body!

Teaching is the best part of my day, I rather not sit behind a computer, though I need to when I am “blogging” and doing business work.  I have the best “job” in the world, love an energetic fun class, have had the opportunity over the years to meet amazing people and it is very rewarding to hear and see all of the phenomenal successes that strength training offers!   If your workout is in need of a makeover and you are a local resident, check out the next upcoming strength session at the Town of Rocky Hill ( you will be glad you did!