Tag Archives: Breville Juicer

The New Love of My Life

29 Jan

Over the last several weeks, I’ve really put a lot of attention into my diet.  I have focused in on adding more raw foods to my diet.  The new love of my life has allowed this to happen, we have a lot a common, get along well and are a great match.  I’ll come clean (no pun intented), I am in love with the Breville Juicer!  Gotcha, no gossip here! 
I’ve been juicing just about everything (i.e., kale, parsley, carrots, apples, oranges, etc).  I have to admit, I normally never drink OJ or any other juices because of the high calorie count and sugar count. I personally rather eat my calories than drink them (ok, wine excluded, I am only human).    I could not wait to juice oranges, what an experience!  The flavor is fresh, organic, truly does taste like oranges and absolutely no match for the artificial store bought brands!
It is the simple things in life that can add quality to a healthier lifestyle!