Tag Archives: fitness classes

Fit to Teach?

23 Mar

 Teaching fitness classes is a passion of mine.  Quality is embedded, I want to give my classes the best safe and effective workout in order to keep them healthy and reach their goals.  In doing so, my classes are always pre-planned, with somewhat of a leeway for spontaneity; I strive to deliver creative superior and never pre-canned classes, no exceptions!  Though I am a bit of a health/fitness nerd, education of exercises and keeping up-to-date on health issues/studies is always part of my classes as well as my life.  This allows me to continue to provide the best most effective class I can deliver!

 Over the years, I have attended a variety of fitness classes and have encountered a wide array of talented and not so talented fitness instructors.  Personally, I’ve stated this before and do not hide the fact that I am extremely selective whom I take my fitness classes from.  Just because someone has a piece of paper indicating proper certification, does not necessarily translate to a competent instructor.  That being said, please note, a professional current fitness certification is a must as well as a current CPR/AED certification for a fitness instructor/personal trainer.   

 Check out these ten questions, answer honestly about your current or past instructor and be mindful of clues to determine if your instructor is “fit” to teach and I do not mean physically fit! 

 My goal here is awareness, next time you walk into a fitness class, my hope is you are more astute to the characteristics of a competent, capable instructor and enjoy an injury-free fabulous workout!

 How does your favorite fitness instructor rate, review the list of ten questions and see for yourself!

  1.  Are you properly greeted by your instructor when walking into a class?  Is the environment warm, friendly and inviting?
  2. Does the instructor give his/her name, ask if anyone is new, has an injury or if anyone present has not previously taken a class by the instructor?
  3. Is the class presented in an organized manner and starts and ends on time?
  4. Does he/she cue for safety (stabilize torso, bend knees, slow/controlled movements) etc?
  5. Is the  instructor knowledgeable, able to identify muscles being used and offer modifications for injuries such as shoulder, hip, knee, low-back issues?
  6. If the class is geared toward all-levels, is a basic exercise offered, then layered by level of difficulty?
  7. Is the instructor motivating, are you learning new exercises or is the class the same old routine, you know what to expect and do not feel challenged?
  8. Is the instructor getting a great workout?  Is he/she sweating and “working out” or is the class focused on YOU (class is never about the instructor, not a time for his/her workout).
  9. Does your instructor give concise clear cues, visual (i.e. demonstrates the exercise/pose) and gives physical cues (i.e. hand to ankle)? 
  10. Does the instructor walk the talk; does he/she practice what he/she preaches?

 How do you personally judge a high-quality fitness class and fitness instructor?  Is it by how much sweat is dripping all over you and the floor?

Blog by:  Lynn MacDonald, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, CPR/AED certified by American Red Cross, Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher and Therapeutic Yoga Teacher