Tag Archives: Yogalates

August Newsletter

1 Aug


I hope this newsletter finds you well and you are enjoying the nice warm weather! A warm welcome to all of you who are new to yoga!  A regular consistent yoga practice is essential in leading a healthy lifestyle!

Please take a moment to check out the August Newsletter.  If you have been away from yoga for a while, find you way back, your body, mind and spirit will thank you!

Fall Book Club:  Core Power Chicks:  Sept. 29th
Great response/feedback on starting the fall book club.  If you love to read, enjoy wine and great healthy food (ok, not necessarily in that order), you are a candidate for the club!  A few non-complicated details are unveiled as follows:

-Club will meet monthly at someone’s house, restaurant, etc.  If the club is held at someone’s house, everyone brings a healthy dish and/or a bottle of wine.

-Book club pick will be based upon a drawing, enter in your book that you would like to share with the club, we will draw and see who the book winner is!

There, that is about it, simple, not many rules (you know I am not a big rule person).  Also, Michelle, from Rooted Wellness has offered to share her healthy food dishes.  Details will follow when we are ready.  I will offer my house as we roll out the first book club meeting on Thursday, Sept. 29th 6:30pm.
In the meantime, please forward me your book club suggestions, by Friday, Sept. 2nd we will draw at yoga class on Sat., Sept. 3rd! 

Yoga Class Offerings:  August
Classes for the month of August continue to be limited to the following:

Mondays at 5:30pm –Gentle Yoga
Saturdays at 8:30am –A variety of yoga, check flavor weekly on www.getcorepower.com.
Note:  Sat., August 13th there will be no class, as I will be in Boston all weekend for a Psoas Workshop.  Looking forward to sharing this fabulous info in upcoming yoga classes.

Note: RH Parks&Rec Strength TrainingNEW session has just started!  There are still a few openings at  noon (11:00am is sold out) classes on Tues/Thurs!  If you are available at the timeslot, check out this total body sculpting class, give yourself 45-minutes and you will love the results!

Friend to Friend Promotion
Bring a friend to yoga this month and receive your class free!  Offer runs until August 27th!

Check out the Patch, Rocky Hill’s new online newsletter!  Check out Core Power’s Blogs and upcoming info on the benefits of strength training as several participant’s have shared their feedback on the powerful benefits of this training!

Fall:  Looking Ahead
Looking at planning the fall schedule.  The second yoga class will be back in the fall in the 9:30am time slot.  The class will be Hot Body/Cool Mind.  Class has been redesigned to offer full strength training with weights/bands/bodyweight and incorporates yoga/pilates moves for core!  This will be a great addition to your current workout routine, but make no mistake, nothing will be routine here, you’ll see, come and check it out!

willPowerandGrace http://www.willpowermethod.com/
As always, Core Power tries to keep classes, fresh, new, fun, creative and non-routine!  Attending a certification workout on Sunday, August 21st, check out the willPowerandGrace website.  This is barefoot training with core, cardio, balance and so much more!  Look for upcoming classes!

Please share with me any thoughts/suggestions for upcoming classes as your feedback is essential in continuing to provide quality classes!  Once the fall schedule  is completed, I will share that with you!

Just wanted to let you know, I love this “job”,  I am so inspired by each and everyone of you!  It is extremely rewarding and humbling to witness all the emotional and physical transformations!  There is one particular transformation that I hope to share with you shortly from my strength class!

Enjoy the rest of your summer, be safe, have fun and remember to breathe!

Stay Well,


Tax News, New News and Yoga in the Park!

29 Jun


Happy Summer!  A warm welcome to those of you who are new to our yoga practice!    I hope this newsletter finds you well and hope you are enjoying the summer as well as some type of physical activity.  Speaking of physical activity, there are two opportunities that I wanted to share with you.  On Sat., July 9th, there is a 5K Red Dress Run/Walk sponsored by The Hartford Marathon (ladies only). There is a group of ladies doing this if you would like to join.  Join under the Glastonbury Chamber Chicks, walk/run for a great cause, have fun and be active!  Below is the link to the website.(http://www.hartfordmarathon.com/Events/Red_Dress_Run_for_Women_Presented_By_United_Healthcare.htm).  The other opportunity, Dragon Boat Racing, I was set to do this and have paid my $100.00, but that is the day my son goes back to college.  If someone would like my spot, the $100.00 is paid, contact me for details!

Thanks to all those brave ladies who came out for the 6-week session to Take Back Your Body!  You are amazing at 6:00am! Lots of great energy, fun and encouragement!  Classes are so much more motivating when you are working out with a group!

If you have been away from yoga, find your way back, your mind, body and spirit will thank you!

Please take a few moments to check out the newsletter!

Taxes 7/1
As of 7/1, the Governor has decided to tax yoga and pilates.  The cost of the 10-class card is now $65.00  (equates to $.50 increase per class).  The rates are updated on my website (http://www.getcorepower.com/).

Looking Forward……Recharging Batteries
You’ll notice that there are less class offerings, I personally use this time to recharge my batteries and give my body a rest.   Though the mind is still going, I use this time for opportunities to learn new modalities of training, workshops, etc.   In August I will attend a two-day Psoas Workshop in Boston, can’t wait to share all that great info with you!  Be on the lookout for a class just for the psoas!  Another exciting opportunity, in August, is WillPower and Grace!  A company that trains instructors on barefoot training using a sticky mat.  The class format mixes cardio, strength, core and flexibility all barefoot!   A special offering will be available at the end of August or first week in September as we kick off the fall back to fitness season!

Yoga in the Park:  Sat., 7/2 8:30am(sharp)—Yogalates
Saturday in Park…..yes, weather permitting (if rain, class held at the church).  This class will be offered free of charge to jumpstart your holiday weekend!  Please feel free to bring a friend, yoga is way to good not to share!!  Be ready to move, sweat, strengthen your muscles, core and as always soooo much more!    P.S.  You may want to bring a towel to place under your mat as the grass is wet.  This will help to keep your mat dry.


I will be away Sat., July 9th thru July 16th, there will be no classes that week.  Classes will resume on Mon., July18th. 

Summer Classes—Yoga Body!
Mon. Gentle Yoga  5:30pm
Thurs. Hot Body/Cool Mind  9:00am
Sat. Mixed Yoga  8:30am

No class Monday July 4th!

No Admittance—Late Entrance
I can truly appreciate how busy we all are, but please try your best to arrive at least 5 minutes prior to class.  Late attendance is distracting, we want everyone who is in class to have a peaceful, wonderful and fulfilling yoga practice!  Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Meditation–Peace and Tranquility
My two favorite words peace/tranquility, impossible to find in today’s world.  Find 5 to 10 minutes of quietness daily, close your eyes and just bring your attention to your breath.  Meditation promotes mindfulness, which most people in the world do not practice.  Mindfulness leads to being in the present moment, aware of your thoughts, actions, how you are feeling, reduces stress, anxiety and leads to weight loss.  Give yourself 5 to 10 minutes daily, change your life, change your mind, YOUR worth it!

Please continue to LIKE Core Power on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Core-Power-LLC/109781075766705.

Looking at finally adding a few video’s on specific workout segments, that will be available on Facebook soon!  Please continue to check the website for updates!

As always, I appreciate any feedback and suggestions you have to offer, as the success of these classes depends upon you!

Enjoy the 4th!!  Hope to see you soon!


What’s Your Taste?

9 Mar

What do you prefer, Yoga or Pilates?  Well, my curiosity got the best of me, as well as wanting to improve my core.  In my quest to eliminate boredom from my workouts, I decided I would give Pilates a try.  I have been working one-on-one with Maggie, the owner of Personal Euphoria, www.personaleuphoria.com.  We meet weekly for challenging, muscle shaking, and core tightening sessions utilizing the reformer.  The reformer is an amazing machine that has springs to vary the degree of resistance.  This machine allows your body to work precisely in helping to increase core strength and flexibility.  The reformer easily identifies weakness in the body, especially notable differences on each side.   My absolute favorite, the jump board, where you can jump, similar to ploymetric jumps, but is softer on the joints!  The jump board is not only fun but strengthens the feet, ankles, calves, hams, quads and inner/outer thighs!  I have several sessions behind me and I already have noticed a difference in my core and legs!  I guess I can say, I am addicted to the reformer!  So far, so good, I thought, now I’ll get a taste of Mat Pilates.

 The mat version starts with a warm up, usually “The Hundred” (a famous move) but these classes, like yoga, depend upon the instructor.  By the way, I am extremely selective who I take fitness classes from and Pilates is no different.  Just because an instructor has a piece of paper indicating proper certification, does not necessarily correlate to the level of a quality instructor.  Look for an upcoming blog on this topic.

 Mat Pilates utilizes breath control like yoga, (inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth) and continues to draw belly to the spine on the exhale.  Scooping the belly is synonyms to Pilates, as this engages your transverse abdominis, the deepest abdominal muscle that forms an internal girdle for your center.  Sitting on top of your transverse abdominis is your obliques, internal obliques sit deep and rest on top of your transverse, the external obliques are superficial.  Between the two, they help to support your center and let you twist and bend sideways at the wait.  The most famous that is linked to the 6-pack is the rectus abdominis, the long muscle that extends from your pubic bone to your sternum.  This muscle allows you to bend forward at the waist.  The reason why I personally never advocate crunches, is that the transverse muscle is never engaged.  If you are interested in toning up your “abs”, and want the benefits of a stronger core, eliminate crunches and work on Pilates/Yoga core moves or other functional core exercises.

 Pilates moves at a faster rate than yoga, repetitions are quick, short and you do not need to do 20 to feel the benefits.  Quality over quantity applies!  Pilates incorporates a full core workout, back, hip, shoulder girdle, the benefits also expand to increase muscle tone, more strength and endurance.  Pilates and Yoga do share some very similar moves.  While both systems, (Pilates and Yoga) are built on strength, breath work and control, yoga unites the mind, body and spirit.  Yoga movements can be slower, but depends on the type of yoga you are practicing.  Both systems have tremendous benefits; the blends of both are lethal!

 Join Core Power in May as a creative Yogalates mixture of Pilates and Yoga will be offered to give you amazing results, not just for a strong, defined core and body, but for the mind and spirit too!