Tag Archives: friendship

Life Interrupted

24 Apr

Our happy life is suddenly interrupted this weekend, as my family receives some unexpected heartbreaking news that will forever change the landscape of our hearts now broken.

Allow me to reminisce for a moment.  Several years back my family was transferred to Naperville, IL, a large suburb of Chicago. This transfer gave my husband the opportunity to “climb the corporate ladder”.    I personally was not too excited, being from Connecticut, I did not want to leave my family and friends.  On the positive side, this move enabled me to become a full-time mother, which I always wanted and leave my corporate job I didn’t love, but did help to pay the bills.

 We settled in a lovely neighborhood, the neighbors warmly welcomed my family into their compassionate and caring suburb.  This large suburb with a small town feel became home to my family for about 4 ½ years (a part of our hearts still belongs there).  We soon called our neighbors friends and our home Naperville.   I affectionately referred to this big suburb with a big heart as somewhat of a feel from Leave It to Beaver or The Andy Griffith Show.  My family soon blended into the community.  I was included in tennis matches (even though I am a lousy tennis player), my sons where younger back then, they soon too were included in playing with the neighborhood children, playing in the park and swimming in the clubhouse pool, going to sporting events (Cubs/Bears), etc..  We seem to fit right in.  I was sipping wine Friday evenings with the other moms whom I still refer to as friends.  They are always in my heart, though I don’t physically see them daily.

My son, Bryan quickly connected to his best friend Will, he was two years older and they would depart the bus together at the end of a school day.  Will and Bryan would come in the house, have a snack, then Will would go home (a few doors down) to do homework, then sometimes come back or meet all the neighborhood children outside.   Will had a huge colorful personality and was quite the comic!  He was always cracking jokes, his quick wit was amazing and we were always laughing!  

About 4 ½ years later, an unexpected job offer would send us back to Connecticut.  This was bittersweet, as we became to love our life in Naperville.  My family spent the last night of our life in Naperville on the floor of our family room.  The furniture was gone, the house was empty, but we wanted one more night there, before our early flight back to Connecticut.  At 4:00am, our friends/our neighbors brought fresh coffee, juices and goodies.  They came to say good-bye with their hearts, though we did have a big send off days before.  These special people let us into their lives as they allowed us into their lives.  Our lives have been positively changed by the generosity of our experience in Naperville. 

Back to my point earlier, we received unexpected heart breaking news that Will passed away very tragically.  My family is devastated; truly not able to comprehend this senseless tragedy.  My son, Bryan, just spoke with Will last month. Bryan is just overwhelmed by the news, shows his soft, caring and compassionate side at almost nineteen years of age.  It is actually heartbreaking to watch, at the same time, amazed at his level of sympathy. 

 Life sometimes takes unpredictable turns.  I know this tragic event will lead us back to Naperville to help us find comfort and soothe and console our friends.

 Many times in life, we get caught up in trivial meaningless things.   Cherish your family, cherish your friendships, as that what truly matters most in life.  Re-connect with a loved one; don’t wait, as time does not wait for any of us.   I am reminded of that now as I remember Will and how this world will miss such a funny, wonderful and caring person. 

 There are no more words, just tears and fond memories.