Tag Archives: life

An Unexpected Surprise

24 Feb

Stressed, mind racing, not in the moment, fogged brain/thoughts, eating mindlessly (way too many M&M’s) and living life in the fast lane.  That was my life before yoga!  It never occurred to me to integrate yoga into my busy life, after all, who had time?  When you’re constantly in a fast paced mode, who would even entertain the thought of yoga, especially my lack of flexibility!

Calmer, reduction of stress, being in the present moment (I really know what that means now) clearer thoughts, mindful eating (traded M&M’s for cacao) and best of all taking time to smell the flowers.  This is my life as it is now by practicing yoga and so much more.  Who would think yoga could do all that?  My goal was just too eventually gain flexibility (which by the way, I did) so I could continue to do all the physical activities I love to do.  Wow, what a shock!  I certainly wasn’t prepared for a life change!    Though I am still busy, my mat and I have a very special relationship, as this mat is very supportive, compassionate and caring, the same qualites that draw me to people.   We meet daily, anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes (some days, I spend more time with my mat than my husband).   

A dedicated yoga practice is a way of life.  The more you practice, the more the benefits stay with you.  Open your mind and heart to a yoga practice and you too will receive an unexpected welcome surprise!