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Take 10!

25 Jul

Become healthier by sitting quietly and doing nothing!    Join Core Power and Take 10, (10 minutes of meditation daily for 10 consecutive days) find 10 quite minutes, turn off the TV, phone, computer or any other electronic device. Escape into your internal world, leave behind the external world and enter into a place of peace and tranquility!

Find a comfortable seated position, spine long, shoulders rooted down away from the ears, arms/hands on your lap, palms up or down, then lightly close your eyes.
Notice your heart beating, could be fast or slow, usually correlates to your state of mind, notice the sounds around you, feel the temperature of the air on your skin.  Begin to bring awareness to your breath, just observing the inhales and exhales, watching as each one comes and goes.  The mind will continue to have thoughts, just notice the thought, let it go without being attached to it.  Continue to focus on your breath.  After 10 minutes, gently soften your gaze, begin to notice your state of mind and notice if something has positively shifted for you.

The following is a list of benefits resulting from meditation (many of these benefits have been researched and verified):

  • Reduce heart hate
  • Lowered blood pressured
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Reduce breathing rate
  • Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk
    of cardiovascular disease
  • Leads to a deeper level of relaxation
  • Reduced oxygen intake
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improved relationships
  • Improved digestion
  • Reduces activity of viruses and
    emotional distress
  • Enhances immune response

Oh, one more detail, most people who meditate are happier, healthier, more mindful and less stressed!

If you are so inclined to Take 10, please share with us your results!

Lynn/Core Power

Healthy Thoughts

29 Mar

Just taking a few moments out of my day, thinking of how grateful I am to have my health.  To me, having health is the ultimate gift, no money or material items can replace your health. Health is priceless, as it does not come with a price tag and sometimes you do not value health until you no longer have it.

 As I visit my ailing mother-in-law in a nursing home, I walk down the long depressing hallway that leads to her room.  I am so aware of the gift of wellness, as there are so many reminders around as to what can happen when your health fails you. 

 As we speak, my bother-in-law, a nurse, whom I used to enjoy 30-40 mile bike rides with is going through a target therapy clinical trial at Dana Farber.  Again, I am so mindful of how precious life is and having the gift of health.  I can only hope that my bother-in-law’s previous healthy body will get him through and back on the road of well being (for selfish reasons too, as I miss our long challenging bike rides).

 As I made my way through the American Lung Association 686 stair climb on Saturday, I felt so privileged and grateful to be able to participate and actually complete the climb.  My heart was pumping; my muscles were working, mind set on mediation mode as I briskly make my way to the top.  The best present you can give yourself is having a strong body to support any type of fitness goals or daily activity by living a healthy lifestyle!

How much do you value your health?  What do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Remebering Sharon

17 Feb

Often times in life you meet someone who truly touches your heart.  As a yoga/fitness instructor, I’ve been blessed to meet so many amazing people with fascinating stories.  One evening, prior to a yoga class, two ladies walked in and wanted to give my yoga class a try.  Over the weeks, the ladies enjoyed the class and were amazed how well they felt.   One of the ladies in particular, Sharon, really was thrilled at how great she was feeling.   Summer came along and Sharon went to her beach house in Rhode Island.  I lost touch with her for a while.  Then, one evening, as I was preparing to teach a yoga class, Sharon appeared!  We hugged, she looked great as she did before. We chatted before class and she told me “Lynn, you’re not going to believe this, but I have been battling stage four lung cancer over the last several months”.  She had completed the protocol for lung cancer and was feeling very well and up to practicing yoga.  Sharon continued practicing yoga (most of the time, side by side with two very special friends) for about a year and a half, then passed away (May2010) as her lung cancer had returned. 

On Saturday, March 26th, I will be climbing 686 stairs/34 flights to support the American Lung Association.  Step by step, breath by breath and in my heart, I will remember the very brave fight that Sharon fought with so much class and dignity.

Yoga as Medicine

15 Feb

Ok, your thinking….not again, another yoga blog.  Yes, but this one will capture your interest.   A consistent yoga practice promotes body awareness/mindfulness so you are totally connected to how your body feels both physically and emotionally. I know what you are thinking, yoga is not for me, as I am not flexible!  I use to think so too!  Now I teach yoga!  Pretzel bodies are not required to practice yoga!   Check out for more info on yoga for everyBODY!

Besides from feeling peaceful, open and calm after a practice.  There are many health conditions shown by scientific studies to help a wide array of medical conditions.  A yoga practice is available to everyBODY regardless of medical condition, shape or size.  The more you practice yoga, the benefits accrue.    Yoga can be practiced in a chair, using a wall, block/blankets/bolsters, etc.  Incorporate yoga into your lifestyle for maintaining good health and wellness!

Stay connected to your body with yoga and experience the healing benefits this very special practice can offer!  See below for specific studied health conditions as outlined in the book Yoga as Medicine:

Alcoholism/Drug Abuse        
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease                                                                                  
Congestive Heart Failure    
Drug Withdrawal                        
Eating Disorders   
Heart Disease                                                                                                          
High Blood Pressure      
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Menopausal and Perimenopausal Symptoms
Mental RetardationMigraine/Tension Headaches
Multiple Sclerosis
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Pain (Chronic)
Pancreatitis (Chronic)
Pleural Effusion  (fluid Collection in the lining of the lung)
Postoperative Recovery
Post-Heart Attack Rehabilitation
Pregnancy (both normal and complicated)
Rhinits (inflammation of the nose)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)
Sinusitis (I can vouch for this one personally!)
Urinary Stress Incontinence