Tag Archives: functional

Read Any Good Books Lately?

2 Jul

Balancing nutrition, exercise and mindfulness……….these words are music to my ears. Recently, during an in-home personal training session, a client of mine mentioned a book about combining nutrition, exercise and mindfulness.  My ears perked up!  Three key components to living a healthy lifestyle.  I could not wait to get my hands on this book.    Interestingly enough, this book is titled TriEnergetics, authored by Sanford Severin, MD and Todd Severin, MD.

For those of you who know me, I am a health nut and a nerd when it comes to both fitness and nutrition.  Being in the fitness business, I constantly meet wonderful people who are seeking weight loss, muscle tone and 6-pack abs. The most popular question I am asked (actually almost daily) “how do I get rid of this” as they point to abdominal fat. I always respond the same, healthy nutrition, not technically a diet, exercise and mindfulness (meditation). Over the years, I’ve heard all sorts of stories (sometimes horror stories) on countless “diet” attempts for weight loss.  I’ve heard promises “with this specific weight loss program, you will be in a size 6 by December”.  What????  I try not to show my emotions, but can’t help but think, what kind of program or person makes those promises.

Anyway, back to the book!  TriEnergetics is everything I personally believe in and is how I live my life.  This book is easy to understand with testimonials on how people have transformed their lives with this program.  By the way, this is a 6-week program to yes, change your life.  This is not a loose promise, the only promise is to yourself, because you deserve to live a healthy life!   This book is about creating specific changes that lead to a healthier lifestyle, by blending high quality ingredients of healthy nutrition, exercise and mindfulness.

How do you become mindful your thinking? Incorporate a few  minutes daily of mediation (not easy, but if you do daily, it becomes a habit).  Have you experienced your body in stillness?  We go all day long 90-miles an hour.  Sit, chill for a second, close your eyes, just  be with yourself.   Relax your face, jaw, shoulders, feel your heart beating, feel the air on your skin, notice the sounds around you.  Just sit, do nothing and watch your breath.  Your thoughts will come and go, replaying a conversation from the other day or reviewing your grocery list.  All normal, I do it too.  But now, connect back into your breath, notice moments of no thoughts, thoughts, then no thoughts.  Open your eyes after a few moments, experience the difference.

Another way of becoming mindful is through the magic of a regular and daily yoga practice!  Ok, I am partial here, but it works! I’ll come clean, I have a small yoga/fitness  business( www.getcorepower.com).  I am the best example, as I never was mindful in my life, until I incorporated yoga into my lifestyle.  The biggest advantage about mindfulness,  you become aware of how you are feeling, your thoughts, emotions and how you feel after you eat certain foods.

It’s the 4th of July weekend, experience mindfulness as it relates to food.  Notice your body over the next few days after eating. Experience your body on how it feels when eating good healthy foods.  Notice if you have more organic energy (no caffeine needed), you may feel lighter, more energetic and your clothes may fit a bit looser!  Check out how your body feels after eating heavy fattening foods, ice cream, cookies or just an absolutely delicious fattening meal you love to eat!   Wait a bit, notice how you feel; maybe more tired, less energy, craving for sugar, maybe your meal is not complete until you eat something sweet.  I used to be that way, always craved the sweetest dessert I could sink my teeth in.  When you dramatically decrease sugar in your life, cravings magically disappear!

TriEnergetics will explain the physiology of stress, how your body uses food, understanding what foods are healthy, good carbs vs. bad carbs, diet myths, how your body digests foods, specific exercises(no gym required!), deep breathing for health/vitality and so much more.  This book is absolutely the real deal, nothing fake, just down-to-earth plain vanilla facts and no gimmicks. The best part of this book, advocates a healthy “diet” with exercise.  This is a marriage that can not be separated, you need one with the other, otherwise maintaining your weight is nearly impossible, especially as you age.

If you are looking to trade up to a healthier lifestyle, I would highly recommend this book filled with a wealth of health knowledge!

By the way, if you are so inclined to try this program, please share your transformation!

Core Power, LLC

Yoga Meets Pilates

15 May

Can’t decide which you prefer, Yoga or Pilates?  You don’t have to take sides, the wait is over.  Hot Body/Cool Mind marries the best of both Yoga and Pilates into one powerhouse of a workout!  There is so much synergy between the two that the combination is lethal!

 If you are a walker, runner, yogi, fitness or non-fitness buff, golfer or tennis player, you too can benefit from Pilates.    Pilates focus is on core exercises which are executed rhythmically.  The repetitions are low, but the intensity is high.   A regular Pilates practice strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, glutes (hips),  quads/hamstrings and improves posture immensely, essential for a healthy spine.  Back pain decreases because your abdominals and other core muscles are strengthened, improves flexibility and range of motion.  Pilates promotes symmetry between both sides of the body.  Symmetry decreases injury as your body will “work” more efficiently.  You will gain more confidence and ease at doing regular daily activities. 

There are so many healthy benefits to a regular Yoga practice as well.  Yoga promotes body awareness, weight loss, mindfulness, calmness as the parasympathetic system is activated, increases lung capacity, increases lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons, massages internal organs and detoxifies the body.

Personally, over the last several months, I have added Pilates (mat) into my workout regime.  If you are an avid “exerciser”, it is imperative to be open to new modalities, which helps your body become stronger, less prone to injury as different muscles groups fire up!  My Pilates practice also includes a weekly intense reformer session which I love! 

I’ve noticed an increase in my core strength; the biggest improvements have been a reduction in low-back pain and chronic knee pain.  The most unexpected surprise, aesthetically my abdominals appear to have more definition, though I will still pass on the bikini!

The list of benefits for both Yoga and Pilates are endless.  Combine these two powerhouses and experience the benefits for yourself!  Check out Hot Body/Cool Mind, Core Power’s hottest summer class!  For more information, check out http://www.getcorepower.com/.

Take Back Your Body!

13 Mar

Take back your body…..got your attention, right?  This innovate new creative program inspired by my own workouts to do just that, take back your body!  As a yoga/fitness instructor, I meet many people who are quick to say “I am too busy to workout”.  Making the time for health/fitness is vital; consider it an insurance policy on your health.  Just like many other annual tests we endure, dental visits, yearly check up’s, etc.  Fitness should fall under the “preventive maintenance” category to help reduce the chances for diseases or unexpected illnesses.  Being healthy puts you in the driver’s seat; you take control and responsibility for what you can change along with the exception of things you can not change.

 As an avid exercise person and health nut, I personally crave variety.  This workout program consists of many of my favorite “things”……Yoga, Pilates, functional moves, swiss balls, cardio, bands, body weight exercises, free-weights, etc.  Speaking of yoga, creativity flows like a river with yoga breath work (alternate nostril breathing is responsible for this program) it really does work!   This workout is based upon interval training, yes; I am an interval training junkie!  In my opinion, interval training is the best way to train for efficiency, effectiveness, burns fat, gets the heart in shape, etc. 

 If you think you don’t have the time to exercise, think again, you do!  This is a 45-minute, NO GYM REQUIRED interval workout that can be done at home or anywhere!  Keeping workouts fresh and new will prevent boredom and your muscles will get stronger and learner!  Only constant variety of exercise will make this happen!  This workout is about a lifestyle, a way of life.   This workout is not about “I need to lose weight for my daughter’s wedding” (I always ask what happens after your daughter gets married?) or “I want to where size 2 skinny jeans” type of talk.  This workout will give you the skills necessary to incorporate fitness into your life, get healthy and keep you focused so you can enjoy life to the fullest.  

This creative, dynamic, fast-paced interval class (non-choreographed) incorporates alternating energizing short bursts of cardio with functional strength, balance and core moves.  Class will begin with a mini meditation to promote focus and mind preparation.  Blended into these intervals are yoga flows and pilates core exercises to build heat, strength, endurance and flexibility!  One workout, so many flavors in a short time!  Each class is different, nothing is “pre-canned”.  Options offered for everyBODY.  The results, nothing but amazing!

In addition to the class, participants will receive motivational tips, thoughts, exercise suggestions for the off days from class, healthy recipes and chat with the trainer for ongoing questions and support.  This information will be private and only available to class participants.

 Participant Commitment Level
Class meets two times per week for 45-minutes for 6 weeks.  Show up on time; work hard, have fun and be mentally prepared for an awesome workout that will energize your for the day! The best part, working out with a group is motivating, promotes encouragement, friendship and support!  

For more information, on dates, times, location and cost, please contact me directly via www.getcorepower.com

 How valuable is your health to you and what do you do to stay healthy and fit?

Strength Training – Rocky Hill Parks and Recreation

11 Feb

If you have been to any of my classes, you know I have a strong passion for strength training!  Personally, I strength train, functionally,  three times per week.  If strength training is embedded in your workout, you are already aware of a how critical it is for bone density, weight loss and is absolutely necessary to the art of  weight management!  If you have battled weight issues (like me), you understand the importance of strength training.   Oh, a side affect I need to mention, a strong, toned and chiseled body!  The benefits go on and on (upcoming blog for those benefits).

I currently teach a fun, creative, (never ever the same) functional strength class at the Town of Rocky Hill every Tuesday and Thursdays (Noon for 45 minutes).   Incorporated into the training is medicine balls, BOSU balls, free-weights, bars and bands.  These items are used to challenge the muscles in the body with a variety of moves to strengthen all of the major muscles groups (shoulders, back, chest, biceps, triceps, quads, hams, calves, core, etc.).  Balance is also sprinkled in since we lose balance as we age, this is  the only way to get it back!  Because of my yoga background, yoga is combined with strength moves to further challenge the muscles of the core!  Speaking of the core (not 6-pack abs) but the muscles of the trunk, hips, hams, glutes and spinal muscles which keeps our spine strong and movement of the body is initated from the core.  Rest assure, you will never ever do a sit-up/crunch in any of my classes, as these “exercises” do not fully engage the core muscles and add absolutely no value!  A class favorite core move (though my classes won’t admit it) will be moving from forearm plank to high plank (push up position) and back to forearm plank, or Down Dog to Plank  to 1/2 Tricep Push up, back to Plank, then Down Dog.  Try those core moves for yourself, notice which muscles fire up and check out the demand of the core and upper body!

Teaching is the best part of my day, I rather not sit behind a computer, though I need to when I am “blogging” and doing business work.  I have the best “job” in the world, love an energetic fun class, have had the opportunity over the years to meet amazing people and it is very rewarding to hear and see all of the phenomenal successes that strength training offers!   If your workout is in need of a makeover and you are a local resident, check out the next upcoming strength session at the Town of Rocky Hill (http://www.rhparkrec.org/programs.html) you will be glad you did!