Tag Archives: Reformer

Yoga Meets Pilates

15 May

Can’t decide which you prefer, Yoga or Pilates?  You don’t have to take sides, the wait is over.  Hot Body/Cool Mind marries the best of both Yoga and Pilates into one powerhouse of a workout!  There is so much synergy between the two that the combination is lethal!

 If you are a walker, runner, yogi, fitness or non-fitness buff, golfer or tennis player, you too can benefit from Pilates.    Pilates focus is on core exercises which are executed rhythmically.  The repetitions are low, but the intensity is high.   A regular Pilates practice strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, glutes (hips),  quads/hamstrings and improves posture immensely, essential for a healthy spine.  Back pain decreases because your abdominals and other core muscles are strengthened, improves flexibility and range of motion.  Pilates promotes symmetry between both sides of the body.  Symmetry decreases injury as your body will “work” more efficiently.  You will gain more confidence and ease at doing regular daily activities. 

There are so many healthy benefits to a regular Yoga practice as well.  Yoga promotes body awareness, weight loss, mindfulness, calmness as the parasympathetic system is activated, increases lung capacity, increases lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons, massages internal organs and detoxifies the body.

Personally, over the last several months, I have added Pilates (mat) into my workout regime.  If you are an avid “exerciser”, it is imperative to be open to new modalities, which helps your body become stronger, less prone to injury as different muscles groups fire up!  My Pilates practice also includes a weekly intense reformer session which I love! 

I’ve noticed an increase in my core strength; the biggest improvements have been a reduction in low-back pain and chronic knee pain.  The most unexpected surprise, aesthetically my abdominals appear to have more definition, though I will still pass on the bikini!

The list of benefits for both Yoga and Pilates are endless.  Combine these two powerhouses and experience the benefits for yourself!  Check out Hot Body/Cool Mind, Core Power’s hottest summer class!  For more information, check out http://www.getcorepower.com/.

What’s Your Taste?

9 Mar

What do you prefer, Yoga or Pilates?  Well, my curiosity got the best of me, as well as wanting to improve my core.  In my quest to eliminate boredom from my workouts, I decided I would give Pilates a try.  I have been working one-on-one with Maggie, the owner of Personal Euphoria, www.personaleuphoria.com.  We meet weekly for challenging, muscle shaking, and core tightening sessions utilizing the reformer.  The reformer is an amazing machine that has springs to vary the degree of resistance.  This machine allows your body to work precisely in helping to increase core strength and flexibility.  The reformer easily identifies weakness in the body, especially notable differences on each side.   My absolute favorite, the jump board, where you can jump, similar to ploymetric jumps, but is softer on the joints!  The jump board is not only fun but strengthens the feet, ankles, calves, hams, quads and inner/outer thighs!  I have several sessions behind me and I already have noticed a difference in my core and legs!  I guess I can say, I am addicted to the reformer!  So far, so good, I thought, now I’ll get a taste of Mat Pilates.

 The mat version starts with a warm up, usually “The Hundred” (a famous move) but these classes, like yoga, depend upon the instructor.  By the way, I am extremely selective who I take fitness classes from and Pilates is no different.  Just because an instructor has a piece of paper indicating proper certification, does not necessarily correlate to the level of a quality instructor.  Look for an upcoming blog on this topic.

 Mat Pilates utilizes breath control like yoga, (inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth) and continues to draw belly to the spine on the exhale.  Scooping the belly is synonyms to Pilates, as this engages your transverse abdominis, the deepest abdominal muscle that forms an internal girdle for your center.  Sitting on top of your transverse abdominis is your obliques, internal obliques sit deep and rest on top of your transverse, the external obliques are superficial.  Between the two, they help to support your center and let you twist and bend sideways at the wait.  The most famous that is linked to the 6-pack is the rectus abdominis, the long muscle that extends from your pubic bone to your sternum.  This muscle allows you to bend forward at the waist.  The reason why I personally never advocate crunches, is that the transverse muscle is never engaged.  If you are interested in toning up your “abs”, and want the benefits of a stronger core, eliminate crunches and work on Pilates/Yoga core moves or other functional core exercises.

 Pilates moves at a faster rate than yoga, repetitions are quick, short and you do not need to do 20 to feel the benefits.  Quality over quantity applies!  Pilates incorporates a full core workout, back, hip, shoulder girdle, the benefits also expand to increase muscle tone, more strength and endurance.  Pilates and Yoga do share some very similar moves.  While both systems, (Pilates and Yoga) are built on strength, breath work and control, yoga unites the mind, body and spirit.  Yoga movements can be slower, but depends on the type of yoga you are practicing.  Both systems have tremendous benefits; the blends of both are lethal!

 Join Core Power in May as a creative Yogalates mixture of Pilates and Yoga will be offered to give you amazing results, not just for a strong, defined core and body, but for the mind and spirit too!

Pilates Reformer Workout

31 Jan

If you are an avid exerciser, you know at times it can get boring.  Personally, I look at different options for changing up my exercise routine.  Helps to eliminate boredom as I know I can not do without exercise, not optional for me.  Last summer was my bootcamp adventure, by no means was this easy, a very physical aggressive workout each time.  This time, I thought it would be great to get a variety of exercises to promote a stronger core, shock my muscles so I can become stronger and leaner.  I contacted Maggie (the owner) of Personal Euphoria.  I had a phenomenal one-on-one session this morning.  I did not know what to expect.  We worked for 50-minutes on the reformer.  A piece of pilates equipment with many levels of resistance.  She had me warm up first with some gentle stretches, then went into several core exercises using resistance.  I have to say it was very challenging, though I love a challenge.  I was shaking and at times forgot to breathe!  The best part, a bit of cardio at the end with a variety of jumping drills!  Absolutely my favorite part!  I did arrive to the session with lower back pain, but when the session was over, I felt great, my total body was stretched, open and pain free! 
I will be back next Monday working on the reformer again, a complement to my current workout routine, that should definitely give me what I am looking for!