Aging Gracefully

4 May

 Humor, everyone needs humor, something everyone can relate to.  I thought my blog needed a sprinkle of humor and I do too! 

As we usher in the month of May, my birthday month, though I’ll set the record straight, I am not celebrating a “big” milestone, (thank goodness!).  As we age gracefully, the importance of “things” shift with a greater emphasis and appreciation of  life and things that we cherish so much more!

Check out my list as I reflect what I really appreciate in life, maybe you would agree:

  •  Sharing a spectacular glass (or two) of Pinot Grigio with friends
  • Girl talk
  • Friendships/warm, caring and down to earth friends
  • Family
  • My twin sister
  • Like minded people 
  • Passion for “job” 
  • Birthdays 
  • Vegetables and antioxidants 
  • Fruits and nuts 
  • Savoring a morning cup of coffee 
  • A big shady umbrella while sitting at the beach
  • A stroll on the beach 
  • Sunscreen 
  • A great book 
  • Time alone 
  • Physical activity 
  • Yoga 
  • Meditation 
  • Fitting into last years shorts 
  • Weighing the same as  last week 
  • A sense of humor 
  • Stretch marks (from childbirth) 
  • Health 
  • Happiness 
  • Delicious chocolate, savoring every bite!
  •  Great tasting healthy food, especially when someone else cooks it! 
  • A drop dead handsome guy you didn’t expect to see 
  • A fantastic physical therapist 
  • A superb massage therapist 
  • Waking up listening to the birds 
  • Waking up to the sound of the ocean 
  • A sunny day
  • A rainy day  
  • A padded bra 
  • A good night’s sleep 
  • Vitamin D, Calcium and Krill Oil 
  • A smart-great looking pair of half glasses disguised as regular glasses 
  • Moisturizer 
  • Push-up’s 
  • My juicer 
  • My mother-in-law 
  • My sisters-in-law  

What do you appreciate more as you age?

Life Interrupted

24 Apr

Our happy life is suddenly interrupted this weekend, as my family receives some unexpected heartbreaking news that will forever change the landscape of our hearts now broken.

Allow me to reminisce for a moment.  Several years back my family was transferred to Naperville, IL, a large suburb of Chicago. This transfer gave my husband the opportunity to “climb the corporate ladder”.    I personally was not too excited, being from Connecticut, I did not want to leave my family and friends.  On the positive side, this move enabled me to become a full-time mother, which I always wanted and leave my corporate job I didn’t love, but did help to pay the bills.

 We settled in a lovely neighborhood, the neighbors warmly welcomed my family into their compassionate and caring suburb.  This large suburb with a small town feel became home to my family for about 4 ½ years (a part of our hearts still belongs there).  We soon called our neighbors friends and our home Naperville.   I affectionately referred to this big suburb with a big heart as somewhat of a feel from Leave It to Beaver or The Andy Griffith Show.  My family soon blended into the community.  I was included in tennis matches (even though I am a lousy tennis player), my sons where younger back then, they soon too were included in playing with the neighborhood children, playing in the park and swimming in the clubhouse pool, going to sporting events (Cubs/Bears), etc..  We seem to fit right in.  I was sipping wine Friday evenings with the other moms whom I still refer to as friends.  They are always in my heart, though I don’t physically see them daily.

My son, Bryan quickly connected to his best friend Will, he was two years older and they would depart the bus together at the end of a school day.  Will and Bryan would come in the house, have a snack, then Will would go home (a few doors down) to do homework, then sometimes come back or meet all the neighborhood children outside.   Will had a huge colorful personality and was quite the comic!  He was always cracking jokes, his quick wit was amazing and we were always laughing!  

About 4 ½ years later, an unexpected job offer would send us back to Connecticut.  This was bittersweet, as we became to love our life in Naperville.  My family spent the last night of our life in Naperville on the floor of our family room.  The furniture was gone, the house was empty, but we wanted one more night there, before our early flight back to Connecticut.  At 4:00am, our friends/our neighbors brought fresh coffee, juices and goodies.  They came to say good-bye with their hearts, though we did have a big send off days before.  These special people let us into their lives as they allowed us into their lives.  Our lives have been positively changed by the generosity of our experience in Naperville. 

Back to my point earlier, we received unexpected heart breaking news that Will passed away very tragically.  My family is devastated; truly not able to comprehend this senseless tragedy.  My son, Bryan, just spoke with Will last month. Bryan is just overwhelmed by the news, shows his soft, caring and compassionate side at almost nineteen years of age.  It is actually heartbreaking to watch, at the same time, amazed at his level of sympathy. 

 Life sometimes takes unpredictable turns.  I know this tragic event will lead us back to Naperville to help us find comfort and soothe and console our friends.

 Many times in life, we get caught up in trivial meaningless things.   Cherish your family, cherish your friendships, as that what truly matters most in life.  Re-connect with a loved one; don’t wait, as time does not wait for any of us.   I am reminded of that now as I remember Will and how this world will miss such a funny, wonderful and caring person. 

 There are no more words, just tears and fond memories.

Recipe for Success

15 Apr

Food for thought…..What motivates you to exercise?  Do you think you can maintain your current weight and muscles mass without exercise?   Have you lost weight, but just look like a smaller version of yourself?  Do you want to take back your body?

 Join me in this life changing Take Back Your Body interval-based training program that will get your heart rate up, burn fat, sculpt, tone your muscles, strengthen and chisel your core!  This program uses alternating intervals of cardio, core (pilates and yoga) and functional strength moves (balance included).  By all means, push up’s, planks, downward dog’s and forearm planks are the ingredients that are blended into crunchless ab challenges. 

Make no mistake; if you are looking to make a lifestyle change and transform the shape of your body, this program is for you!  I do not say that lightly, I’ve put this program to the test.  My core specifically, has dramatically improved, my upper body strength, shape and tone has increased.  I was stopped last week when someone (ok, he was a guy, kind of handsome not to mention), witnessed me in my Take Back Your Body Workout.  I was doing several rounds (80 to be exact) of decline push up’s after alternating sets of shoulder presses, he could not believe the number of repetitions I completed. 

 If you are looking for variety, fun, non-muscle bulking, group support and creativity in keeping your workouts fresh, consider Take Back Your Body, you will be ecstatic at the results.  Please note, no athleticism required, choreograph excluded, just a can do attitude that will keep your body and mind fit, healthy and strong!

 Program meets Mon/Wed 6:00-6:45am for 45 minutes, includes online discussion/support with a personal trainer (me) on tips for other workout routines, healthy recipes, etc.

To register, please contact me at

Blog by:  Lynn MacDonald, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, since 2002, Registered Yoga Teacher/Yoga Alliance

Healthy Thoughts

29 Mar

Just taking a few moments out of my day, thinking of how grateful I am to have my health.  To me, having health is the ultimate gift, no money or material items can replace your health. Health is priceless, as it does not come with a price tag and sometimes you do not value health until you no longer have it.

 As I visit my ailing mother-in-law in a nursing home, I walk down the long depressing hallway that leads to her room.  I am so aware of the gift of wellness, as there are so many reminders around as to what can happen when your health fails you. 

 As we speak, my bother-in-law, a nurse, whom I used to enjoy 30-40 mile bike rides with is going through a target therapy clinical trial at Dana Farber.  Again, I am so mindful of how precious life is and having the gift of health.  I can only hope that my bother-in-law’s previous healthy body will get him through and back on the road of well being (for selfish reasons too, as I miss our long challenging bike rides).

 As I made my way through the American Lung Association 686 stair climb on Saturday, I felt so privileged and grateful to be able to participate and actually complete the climb.  My heart was pumping; my muscles were working, mind set on mediation mode as I briskly make my way to the top.  The best present you can give yourself is having a strong body to support any type of fitness goals or daily activity by living a healthy lifestyle!

How much do you value your health?  What do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Fit to Teach?

23 Mar

 Teaching fitness classes is a passion of mine.  Quality is embedded, I want to give my classes the best safe and effective workout in order to keep them healthy and reach their goals.  In doing so, my classes are always pre-planned, with somewhat of a leeway for spontaneity; I strive to deliver creative superior and never pre-canned classes, no exceptions!  Though I am a bit of a health/fitness nerd, education of exercises and keeping up-to-date on health issues/studies is always part of my classes as well as my life.  This allows me to continue to provide the best most effective class I can deliver!

 Over the years, I have attended a variety of fitness classes and have encountered a wide array of talented and not so talented fitness instructors.  Personally, I’ve stated this before and do not hide the fact that I am extremely selective whom I take my fitness classes from.  Just because someone has a piece of paper indicating proper certification, does not necessarily translate to a competent instructor.  That being said, please note, a professional current fitness certification is a must as well as a current CPR/AED certification for a fitness instructor/personal trainer.   

 Check out these ten questions, answer honestly about your current or past instructor and be mindful of clues to determine if your instructor is “fit” to teach and I do not mean physically fit! 

 My goal here is awareness, next time you walk into a fitness class, my hope is you are more astute to the characteristics of a competent, capable instructor and enjoy an injury-free fabulous workout!

 How does your favorite fitness instructor rate, review the list of ten questions and see for yourself!

  1.  Are you properly greeted by your instructor when walking into a class?  Is the environment warm, friendly and inviting?
  2. Does the instructor give his/her name, ask if anyone is new, has an injury or if anyone present has not previously taken a class by the instructor?
  3. Is the class presented in an organized manner and starts and ends on time?
  4. Does he/she cue for safety (stabilize torso, bend knees, slow/controlled movements) etc?
  5. Is the  instructor knowledgeable, able to identify muscles being used and offer modifications for injuries such as shoulder, hip, knee, low-back issues?
  6. If the class is geared toward all-levels, is a basic exercise offered, then layered by level of difficulty?
  7. Is the instructor motivating, are you learning new exercises or is the class the same old routine, you know what to expect and do not feel challenged?
  8. Is the instructor getting a great workout?  Is he/she sweating and “working out” or is the class focused on YOU (class is never about the instructor, not a time for his/her workout).
  9. Does your instructor give concise clear cues, visual (i.e. demonstrates the exercise/pose) and gives physical cues (i.e. hand to ankle)? 
  10. Does the instructor walk the talk; does he/she practice what he/she preaches?

 How do you personally judge a high-quality fitness class and fitness instructor?  Is it by how much sweat is dripping all over you and the floor?

Blog by:  Lynn MacDonald, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, CPR/AED certified by American Red Cross, Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher and Therapeutic Yoga Teacher

Take Back Your Body!

13 Mar

Take back your body… your attention, right?  This innovate new creative program inspired by my own workouts to do just that, take back your body!  As a yoga/fitness instructor, I meet many people who are quick to say “I am too busy to workout”.  Making the time for health/fitness is vital; consider it an insurance policy on your health.  Just like many other annual tests we endure, dental visits, yearly check up’s, etc.  Fitness should fall under the “preventive maintenance” category to help reduce the chances for diseases or unexpected illnesses.  Being healthy puts you in the driver’s seat; you take control and responsibility for what you can change along with the exception of things you can not change.

 As an avid exercise person and health nut, I personally crave variety.  This workout program consists of many of my favorite “things”……Yoga, Pilates, functional moves, swiss balls, cardio, bands, body weight exercises, free-weights, etc.  Speaking of yoga, creativity flows like a river with yoga breath work (alternate nostril breathing is responsible for this program) it really does work!   This workout is based upon interval training, yes; I am an interval training junkie!  In my opinion, interval training is the best way to train for efficiency, effectiveness, burns fat, gets the heart in shape, etc. 

 If you think you don’t have the time to exercise, think again, you do!  This is a 45-minute, NO GYM REQUIRED interval workout that can be done at home or anywhere!  Keeping workouts fresh and new will prevent boredom and your muscles will get stronger and learner!  Only constant variety of exercise will make this happen!  This workout is about a lifestyle, a way of life.   This workout is not about “I need to lose weight for my daughter’s wedding” (I always ask what happens after your daughter gets married?) or “I want to where size 2 skinny jeans” type of talk.  This workout will give you the skills necessary to incorporate fitness into your life, get healthy and keep you focused so you can enjoy life to the fullest.  

This creative, dynamic, fast-paced interval class (non-choreographed) incorporates alternating energizing short bursts of cardio with functional strength, balance and core moves.  Class will begin with a mini meditation to promote focus and mind preparation.  Blended into these intervals are yoga flows and pilates core exercises to build heat, strength, endurance and flexibility!  One workout, so many flavors in a short time!  Each class is different, nothing is “pre-canned”.  Options offered for everyBODY.  The results, nothing but amazing!

In addition to the class, participants will receive motivational tips, thoughts, exercise suggestions for the off days from class, healthy recipes and chat with the trainer for ongoing questions and support.  This information will be private and only available to class participants.

 Participant Commitment Level
Class meets two times per week for 45-minutes for 6 weeks.  Show up on time; work hard, have fun and be mentally prepared for an awesome workout that will energize your for the day! The best part, working out with a group is motivating, promotes encouragement, friendship and support!  

For more information, on dates, times, location and cost, please contact me directly via

 How valuable is your health to you and what do you do to stay healthy and fit?

What’s Your Taste?

9 Mar

What do you prefer, Yoga or Pilates?  Well, my curiosity got the best of me, as well as wanting to improve my core.  In my quest to eliminate boredom from my workouts, I decided I would give Pilates a try.  I have been working one-on-one with Maggie, the owner of Personal Euphoria,  We meet weekly for challenging, muscle shaking, and core tightening sessions utilizing the reformer.  The reformer is an amazing machine that has springs to vary the degree of resistance.  This machine allows your body to work precisely in helping to increase core strength and flexibility.  The reformer easily identifies weakness in the body, especially notable differences on each side.   My absolute favorite, the jump board, where you can jump, similar to ploymetric jumps, but is softer on the joints!  The jump board is not only fun but strengthens the feet, ankles, calves, hams, quads and inner/outer thighs!  I have several sessions behind me and I already have noticed a difference in my core and legs!  I guess I can say, I am addicted to the reformer!  So far, so good, I thought, now I’ll get a taste of Mat Pilates.

 The mat version starts with a warm up, usually “The Hundred” (a famous move) but these classes, like yoga, depend upon the instructor.  By the way, I am extremely selective who I take fitness classes from and Pilates is no different.  Just because an instructor has a piece of paper indicating proper certification, does not necessarily correlate to the level of a quality instructor.  Look for an upcoming blog on this topic.

 Mat Pilates utilizes breath control like yoga, (inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth) and continues to draw belly to the spine on the exhale.  Scooping the belly is synonyms to Pilates, as this engages your transverse abdominis, the deepest abdominal muscle that forms an internal girdle for your center.  Sitting on top of your transverse abdominis is your obliques, internal obliques sit deep and rest on top of your transverse, the external obliques are superficial.  Between the two, they help to support your center and let you twist and bend sideways at the wait.  The most famous that is linked to the 6-pack is the rectus abdominis, the long muscle that extends from your pubic bone to your sternum.  This muscle allows you to bend forward at the waist.  The reason why I personally never advocate crunches, is that the transverse muscle is never engaged.  If you are interested in toning up your “abs”, and want the benefits of a stronger core, eliminate crunches and work on Pilates/Yoga core moves or other functional core exercises.

 Pilates moves at a faster rate than yoga, repetitions are quick, short and you do not need to do 20 to feel the benefits.  Quality over quantity applies!  Pilates incorporates a full core workout, back, hip, shoulder girdle, the benefits also expand to increase muscle tone, more strength and endurance.  Pilates and Yoga do share some very similar moves.  While both systems, (Pilates and Yoga) are built on strength, breath work and control, yoga unites the mind, body and spirit.  Yoga movements can be slower, but depends on the type of yoga you are practicing.  Both systems have tremendous benefits; the blends of both are lethal!

 Join Core Power in May as a creative Yogalates mixture of Pilates and Yoga will be offered to give you amazing results, not just for a strong, defined core and body, but for the mind and spirit too!

Confessions of a Health Nut

1 Mar

What’s your body image gripe?  Being in the fitness industry I meet so many people, mostly women who always have the same topic on their minds……how to look better, learner, how to get flatter abs, tighter triceps, thinner inner thighs (ok, I’ll admit, this one is mine) and eliminate saddle bags (extra bulge outside of the hips).

It is way too easy to get caught up in today’s society with body image issues and wanting to look new and improved.  A better approach is to be healthy and take care of yourself first from the inside out.  Eventually, everything else will fall into place. 

A lifestyle you can live with is essential to the success of your health.  Living a 90%/10 rule or 80%/20 rule making healthy decision most of the time and giving yourself room to “play” 10 to 20% of the time. My health nut lifestyle started at age 33, slowly starting eating healthier and adding in exercise, none of this was short term, 14 years later still living my healthy lifestyle and maintaining my 20 pound weight loss.

 Below is a list of “rules” I play by that have helped me sustain my healthy lifestyle, I confess to the following:

  •  Never counting calories
  • Reading food labels
  • Using the full version of  half and half for my one and only coffee of the day
  • Never ever using artificial sugar….. these fake sugars bloat the belly and you’ll never get flat abs!
  • Never ever using low-fat or fat-free products
  • Limiting intake of processed fake foods
  • Never wasting non-nutritional calories and fat on the wide array of coffee/lattés
  • Drinking freshly squeezed lemon and warm water before eating in the AM (cleanses liver and other things)
  • Eating a healthy breakfast one hour upon waking (keeps metabolism revved up)
  • Generously pouring cinnamon into oatmeal, cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels and has a host of healthy benefits
  • Eating carbs, yes, good ones as your body needs carbs (i.e., fresh fruits, veggies, beans, quinoa, nuts, brown rice)
  • Eating limited dairy products, no milk, no yogurt
  • Snacking every 3 to 4 hours
  • Eating a hard boiled egg daily (great source of protein)
  • Eating several vegetarian meals a week
  • Allowing myself a free pass one day a week to enjoy anything I want, the skies the limit (helps control bingeing and enjoying the foods you love)
  • Cooking healthy meals in bulk on Sundays to prepare for the week
  • Drinking white wine instead of red wine
  • Drinking water, seltzer and green tea
  • Performing some type of physical activity daily 30 to 40 minutes
  • Practicing yoga daily
  • Practicing Yoga Shoulderstand Pose (to reduce cellulite) and Fish Pose to help bathe and stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands with a fresh supply of oxygenated blood
  • Being an interval training junkie – no machines required!
  • Never working out on a treadmill (i.e., the dreadmill)
  • Loving yoga with weights, yin yoga, pilates reformer and biking (preparing for a 50-mile challenge in June)
  • Doing a fitness challenge once or twice a year to see what you can accomplish no matter how old you are! 

 What are your health nut confessions?

An Unexpected Surprise

24 Feb

Stressed, mind racing, not in the moment, fogged brain/thoughts, eating mindlessly (way too many M&M’s) and living life in the fast lane.  That was my life before yoga!  It never occurred to me to integrate yoga into my busy life, after all, who had time?  When you’re constantly in a fast paced mode, who would even entertain the thought of yoga, especially my lack of flexibility!

Calmer, reduction of stress, being in the present moment (I really know what that means now) clearer thoughts, mindful eating (traded M&M’s for cacao) and best of all taking time to smell the flowers.  This is my life as it is now by practicing yoga and so much more.  Who would think yoga could do all that?  My goal was just too eventually gain flexibility (which by the way, I did) so I could continue to do all the physical activities I love to do.  Wow, what a shock!  I certainly wasn’t prepared for a life change!    Though I am still busy, my mat and I have a very special relationship, as this mat is very supportive, compassionate and caring, the same qualites that draw me to people.   We meet daily, anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes (some days, I spend more time with my mat than my husband).   

A dedicated yoga practice is a way of life.  The more you practice, the more the benefits stay with you.  Open your mind and heart to a yoga practice and you too will receive an unexpected welcome surprise!

Remebering Sharon

17 Feb

Often times in life you meet someone who truly touches your heart.  As a yoga/fitness instructor, I’ve been blessed to meet so many amazing people with fascinating stories.  One evening, prior to a yoga class, two ladies walked in and wanted to give my yoga class a try.  Over the weeks, the ladies enjoyed the class and were amazed how well they felt.   One of the ladies in particular, Sharon, really was thrilled at how great she was feeling.   Summer came along and Sharon went to her beach house in Rhode Island.  I lost touch with her for a while.  Then, one evening, as I was preparing to teach a yoga class, Sharon appeared!  We hugged, she looked great as she did before. We chatted before class and she told me “Lynn, you’re not going to believe this, but I have been battling stage four lung cancer over the last several months”.  She had completed the protocol for lung cancer and was feeling very well and up to practicing yoga.  Sharon continued practicing yoga (most of the time, side by side with two very special friends) for about a year and a half, then passed away (May2010) as her lung cancer had returned. 

On Saturday, March 26th, I will be climbing 686 stairs/34 flights to support the American Lung Association.  Step by step, breath by breath and in my heart, I will remember the very brave fight that Sharon fought with so much class and dignity.