Yoga Meets Pilates

15 May

Can’t decide which you prefer, Yoga or Pilates?  You don’t have to take sides, the wait is over.  Hot Body/Cool Mind marries the best of both Yoga and Pilates into one powerhouse of a workout!  There is so much synergy between the two that the combination is lethal!

 If you are a walker, runner, yogi, fitness or non-fitness buff, golfer or tennis player, you too can benefit from Pilates.    Pilates focus is on core exercises which are executed rhythmically.  The repetitions are low, but the intensity is high.   A regular Pilates practice strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, glutes (hips),  quads/hamstrings and improves posture immensely, essential for a healthy spine.  Back pain decreases because your abdominals and other core muscles are strengthened, improves flexibility and range of motion.  Pilates promotes symmetry between both sides of the body.  Symmetry decreases injury as your body will “work” more efficiently.  You will gain more confidence and ease at doing regular daily activities. 

There are so many healthy benefits to a regular Yoga practice as well.  Yoga promotes body awareness, weight loss, mindfulness, calmness as the parasympathetic system is activated, increases lung capacity, increases lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons, massages internal organs and detoxifies the body.

Personally, over the last several months, I have added Pilates (mat) into my workout regime.  If you are an avid “exerciser”, it is imperative to be open to new modalities, which helps your body become stronger, less prone to injury as different muscles groups fire up!  My Pilates practice also includes a weekly intense reformer session which I love! 

I’ve noticed an increase in my core strength; the biggest improvements have been a reduction in low-back pain and chronic knee pain.  The most unexpected surprise, aesthetically my abdominals appear to have more definition, though I will still pass on the bikini!

The list of benefits for both Yoga and Pilates are endless.  Combine these two powerhouses and experience the benefits for yourself!  Check out Hot Body/Cool Mind, Core Power’s hottest summer class!  For more information, check out

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